
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )



2011/04/10 The Asahi Shimbun, April 9 EDITORIAL: Japan needs to brace for period of big quakes M7級余震―揺れても守れる態勢をMother Nature is merciless. 無情というほかない。 It is still less than a month since the Great East Japan Earthqu…

政治の1カ月 責任感がなお乏しい

(Mainichi Japan) April 12, 2011 Politicians must put aside differences, join hands to overcome disaster 社説:政治の1カ月 責任感がなお乏しい April 11 marked one month since a massive earthquake and tsunami devastated northeastern Japan, c…