
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )



Burma's highest court has agreed to hear my final appeal for release from house arrest. I want to be out before the election. 9:01 AM Oct 22nd via Seesmic Desktop (アウンサンスーチー女史) ビルマ最高裁判所は私(スーチー女史)の自宅軟禁を…

インド首相来日 経済・安保両面で連携深めよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 27, 2010) Japan, India must deepen security, economic ties インド首相来日 経済・安保両面で連携深めよ(10月26日付・読売社説)India, a major power in South Asia, is not only a promising market with a fast-developing…