
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


中国2邦人拘束 「法治」による統制が目に余る

The Yomiuri ShimbunBy arresting Japanese citizens, Xi displays high-handed rule by ‘law’中国2邦人拘束 「法治」による統制が目に余るThe recent arrests of two Japanese nationals apparently symbolize efforts by Chinese President Xi Jinping’s …

新日鉄技術流出 巨額和解金が戒めた不正行為

The Yomiuri ShimbunPOSCO ends up paying high price over alleged theft of technology info新日鉄技術流出 巨額和解金が戒めた不正行為How to prevent leaks of trade secrets, including proprietary technology information, to maintain international…

米露首脳会談 シリア内戦収拾へ妥協を探れ

The Yomiuri ShimbunU.S., Russia must find common ground to bring an end to Syria’s civil war米露首脳会談 シリア内戦収拾へ妥協を探れThe United States and Russia must try to find common ground to help bring an end to the civil war in Syria, …

日露首脳会談 領土交渉は腰を据えて進めよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunSteadily conduct territorial talks with Russia to work out solution日露首脳会談 領土交渉は腰を据えて進めよNegotiations for signing a bilateral peace treaty and the resolution of the northern territorial issue are insepar…

五輪追加種目 「東京」を盛り上げる決定打に

The Yomiuri ShimbunMake additional sports events winning hits to enliven Tokyo Games五輪追加種目 「東京」を盛り上げる決定打にIt is hoped that the new initiative in which host cities pick out additional sports to be held during their Olympi…

難民大量流入 欧州の支援策は奏功するのか

The Yomiuri ShimbunWill refugee assistance measures by EU countries prove effective?難民大量流入 欧州の支援策は奏功するのかThe true value of European Union cooperation will be put to the test through EU efforts to slow down the influx of r…

米中首脳会談 「独善」で大国関係は築けない

The Yomiuri ShimbunChina’s self-justified stance won’t help build major-power relations米中首脳会談 「独善」で大国関係は築けないIt will be impossible for China to build what it calls a “new type of great power relations” with the United St…

VW排ガス不正 顧客を欺く大規模な規制逃れ

The Yomiuri ShimbunConsumers betrayed by VW’s scheme to evade controls on vehicle emissionsVW排ガス不正 顧客を欺く大規模な規制逃れDespite being touted as “clean diesel” cars, Volkswagen vehicles were found to have discharged emissions th…

安倍総裁続投 「経済最優先」に軸足を戻せ


子宮頸がん ワクチンの副作用対策を急げ

The Yomiuri ShimbunQuick action needed in dealing with side effects of cervical cancer vaccine子宮頸がん ワクチンの副作用対策を急げThe most important task is to clarify any cause and effect relationship between the vaccinations and the sid…

日露外相会談 領土対立打開へ対話を重ねよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunTenacious talks with Russia key to ending impasse in territorial dispute日露外相会談 領土対立打開へ対話を重ねよRussia’s hard-line stance toward the northern territories has become more conspicuous. Nevertheless, the only…

飲酒喫煙の年齢 18歳解禁は理解を得られない

The Yomiuri ShimbunDrinking, smoking ban should stay when age of majority is lowered to 18飲酒喫煙の年齢 18歳解禁は理解を得られないReducing the age of majority would affect various fields. It is essential to look into the advisability of…

生涯現役社会 高齢者の活躍の場を増やそう

The Yomiuri ShimbunIncrease opportunities for elderly to remain active in aging society生涯現役社会 高齢者の活躍の場を増やそうThe average Japanese life expectancy stands at 80.5 years for men and 86.83 years for women. Both are projected t…

香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「人間の底力」 /東京

September 20, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Kaleidoscope of the Heart: The potential of humans香山リカのココロの万華鏡:「人間の底力」 /東京Torrential rain and flood damage recently struck the northern Kanto and Tohoku regions. I happened to be vi…

社説:安保転換を問う 安全保障法成立

September 19, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Diet distorts Constitution by passing security bills into law社説:安保転換を問う 安全保障法成立 ◇憲法ゆがめた国会の罪The Diet's enactment of the security-related legislation, opening the way f…

社説:安保転換を問う 参院委採決強行 民意に背を向けた政権

September 18, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Abe gov't turns its back on public opinion社説:安保転換を問う 参院委採決強行 民意に背を向けた政権Controversial legislation opening the way for Japan to exercise the right to collective self-de…

社説:安保転換を問う 参院委採決へ 国民の納得には程遠い

September 17, 2015 (Mainichi Japan) Editorial: Public understanding of security bills far from sufficient 社説:安保転換を問う 参院委採決へ 国民の納得には程遠いDeliberations in the House of Councillors over a set of government backed secur…

社説:安保転換を問う 参院委採決へ 国民の納得には程遠い

September 17, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Public understanding of security bills far from sufficient社説:安保転換を問う 参院委採決へ 国民の納得には程遠いDeliberations in the House of Councillors over a set of government backed securit…

社説:安保関連法案 成立に強く反対する

September 16, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: We strongly oppose passage of government-backed security bills社説:安保関連法案 成立に強く反対するDoes Prime Minister Shinzo Abe think he's a prophet? 安倍晋三首相は予言者になったつもりだろう…

社説:安保転換を問う 週内採決方針 議会政治壊すつもりか

September 15, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Ruling coalition wrong to put security bills to quick vote社説:安保転換を問う 週内採決方針 議会政治壊すつもりか"We shouldn't resort to the force of numbers to suppress opposition. We should hu…

社説:安保転換を問う 集団的自衛権

September 14, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Numerous holes in gov't explanation of right to collective self-defense社説:安保転換を問う 集団的自衛権 ◇政府の説明は破綻したThe government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is aiming to make sure …

尖閣国有化3年 領土守り抜く体制を構築せよ

The Yomiuri ShimbunWarning and surveillance system must be firmly secured to protect territory尖閣国有化3年 領土守り抜く体制を構築せよChina’s infringements of Japanese sovereignty have been continuing. The government must build a thorough…

改正派遣法成立 雇用安定の実効性は高まるか

The Yomiuri ShimbunWill revised worker dispatch law lead to stable employment, better jobs?改正派遣法成立 雇用安定の実効性は高まるかThe revised worker dispatch law, one of the main issues at the current Diet session, was enacted Friday by …

消費税10%対策 国民への配慮を欠く財務省案

The Yomiuri ShimbunShun benefit payment that slights the public / LDP, Komeito should aim for lower tax rate消費税10%対策 国民への配慮を欠く財務省案 ◆自公両党は軽減税率の導入貫けOn top of having little effect to alleviate the public’s s…

(社説)参院審議、大詰めへ 「違憲」法案に反対する

--The Asahi Shimbun, Sept. 10EDITORIAL: 'Unconstitutional' security legislation must be killed(社説)参院審議、大詰めへ 「違憲」法案に反対するUpper House deliberations on contentious government-drafted national security legislation are en…

(社説)安倍総裁再選 民意とのねじれを正せ

--The Asahi Shimbun, Sept. 9EDITORIAL: Re-elected Abe must move closer to the will of the people(社説)安倍総裁再選 民意とのねじれを正せPrime Minister Shinzo Abe was re-elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party on Sept. 8 without …

難民大量流入 欧州の結束と人権が問われる

The Yomiuri ShimbunRefugee crisis tests EU solidarity and human rights principles難民大量流入 欧州の結束と人権が問われるThere has been a sharp rise in the number of refugees and illegal migrants flowing into Europe from the Middle East, Af…

軽減税率代替策 「面倒くさい」で済まされるか


防衛費概算要求 安保法制を支える装備調達に


石炭火力発電 安定供給と環境対策の両立を

> 安全の確認できた原発を着実に再稼働させ、まだこんなことをいっているのか!原発が自然災害に勝てないのは福島で実証されている。民間活力をそぐような愚策には違和感を覚える。石炭発電の排出二酸化炭素量を減らす技術開発にお金をかけるほうが、まだま…