
(読売、毎日、朝日、英字新聞の社説を学習研究 )


警察不祥事 治安の維持へ悪影響が心配だ警察不祥事 治安の維持へ悪影響が心配だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Feb. 6, 2013)Police scandals threaten nation's public security警察不祥事 治安の維持へ悪影響が心配だ(2月5日付・読売社説)Scandals involving police officers, whose task is to protect the safety of the people, show no si…

社説:安倍政権の予算 財政再建の道は険しい

January 30, 2013(Mainichi Japan)Editorial: Budget draft shows gov't faces uphill battle in fixing debt-ridden finances社説:安倍政権の予算 財政再建の道は険しいThe fiscal 2013 state budget draft, which the government has approved, shows that…


--The Asahi Shimbun, Feb. 3EDITORIAL: Deflation a baffling excuse to reduce welfare benefits生活保護削減―歯止めはどこなのか The government’s decision to cut welfare benefits has raised concerns about an endless decline in “the minimum stan…

北朝鮮拉致問題 国際連携強め事態を打開せよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Feb. 3, 2013)Stronger intl ties key to solve issue of abductions by N. Korea北朝鮮拉致問題 国際連携強め事態を打開せよ(2月2日付・読売社説)How can the government make a substantial breakthrough on the issue of abductio…

園田監督辞任 選手を追い詰めた責任は重い

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Feb. 2, 2013)Women's judo coach Sonoda should feel heavy responsibility園田監督辞任 選手を追い詰めた責任は重い(2月1日付・読売社説)The head coach for the national women's judo team has expressed his intention to resig…


January 31, 2013(Mainichi Japan)Islamist militants gunned down fleeing Japanese: local stafferアルジェリア事件:「逃げる日本人射殺」現地従業員証言ALGIERS, Algeria -- Two of the 10 Japanese killed in the recent gas plant hostage crisis here …


--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 30EDITORIAL: Japan, China both stand to gain in tackling air pollution中国大気汚染―改善は日中の利益だ Dense, toxic smog often blankets wide areas of Beijing and other Chinese cities. Air pollution in China is a se…


--The Asahi Shimbun, Jan. 30EDITORIAL: Japan, China both stand to gain in tackling air pollution中国大気汚染―改善は日中の利益だ Dense, toxic smog often blankets wide areas of Beijing and other Chinese cities. Air pollution in China is a se…